Nature is imperfectly perfect,

Filled with loose parts and possibilities, with mud and dust, nettles and sky, transcendent hands-on moments and skinned knees. Richard Louv

Find a selection of nature inspired products and downloadable documents

For adventurous and curious nature loving children and their educators

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Browse our collection of the most popular nature inspired resources this month.

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Sign up now to access all Early Years Outdoor downloadable resources instantly. Be the first to hear about brand new releases and gain access to an exclusive blog full of hints, tips and inspiration.

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I have had a few messages asking for a discount for the membership or help about how to convince SLT to purchase a membership! Just show them this video… a snippet of some of the resources you’ll have access to. The discount code is TENPERCENT for 10% off the annual payment. 

Take your outdoor learning to the next level with ideas to enhance your provision, activities and resources. There’s plenty for the indoors too, helping to create a natural feel. 

Included are nature activities in many themes, seasonal ideas, classroom resources, mud kitchen recipes, inspiring documents, signs, facts and soooo much more. Perfect for the early years, key stage one, forest school, teachers, nurseries, childminders, home educators or anyone that works with children. Take a look at my website, everything is priced individually. Once joined they all turn into no cost. 

If you have any questions, just ask ☺️

#earlyyearsoutdoormembership #earlyyearsoutdoors #earlyyearsoutdoor #earlyyears #teacher #teaching #newschoolyear #fyp #foryou #naturalclassroom #forestschool #childminder #nursery #class #classroom #classroomdecor #teachingresources
Protect your mud kitchen recipes from splashes and mud by putting them into frames. They’re not fully waterproof but will help the recipes last longer than usual. I got mine from Ikea, they’re plastic but I figured it’s better than laminating each one and the frames can be reused each season with a new set of recipes. 

The lovely Autumn recipes are on my website with plenty of other gorgeous Autumn downloads. I’ll be adding loads more Autumn content over the next month too! 

Membership is available, use the code TENPERCENT for 10% off the annual payment. 

#mudkitchen #mudkitchenrecipes #mudkitchenplay #mudkitchenfun #mudkitchenideas #eyfs #earlyyears #earlyyearsoutdoor #earlyyearsoutdoors #earlyyearsoutdoormembership #earlyyearsteacher #teacher #outdoorlearning #autumnplay #autumnmudkitchen
After 17 years of teaching at the same school, I have decided to take a little break. I won’t return in September. I am going to continue creating outdoor and nature inspired resources for my website and membership which I absolutely love doing. I may do a little supply work or look at other jobs in the future, but for now I am going to enjoy my slower pace of life and focus on my family and myself. I was definitely burning myself out trying to teach, create my resources and also be a good mum. I couldn’t juggle everything and so I am going to focus on my little business for now. 

I am excited for my new path in life and I’m very much looking forward to my new journey. It feels incredibly strange now that September is nearly here and I feel sad and emotional not going back to teach a classroom full of little ones or being able to work with my amazing colleagues and friends anymore. I taught at my lovely school for such a long time that this does feel daunting but also exciting! 

#smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #newpath #newbeginnings #teacher #illalwaysbeateacher #earlyyearsoutdoor #earlyyearsoutdoormembership #eyfsteacher #leavingteachingfornow